Crisis Intervention Training Program For Families

This program is offered either online or in a classroom setting, or a combination of both. The course is available as a 1-day or 2-day instructor led training or a 5-day Train-the-Trainer model.

Safe Management Group acknowledges and understands that resources for families caring for a child with behavioural challenges, can, at times, be limited.   There are several elements that make-up an effective support plan for a child in a home-based setting.  One of those elements is helping parents/guardians to gain the behaviour management skills that may sometimes be required to promote understanding, reduce frustration and prevent escalation.

Recognized by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and endorsed by Public Service Health and Safety Association, and Workplace Safety Prevention Services. Safe Management Group’s Crisis Intervention Training Programs are designed to meet the unique needs of your family situation. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate of completion. Developed by a team of psychologists, behaviour analysts/therapists and physical intervention specialists, Safe Management Group’s Crisis Intervention Training program uses evidence-based practices and techniques that are designed and available for home-based settings.  At Safe Management Group we strive to be leaders in transforming peoples’ lives on their path to learning. We accomplish this by providing high quality training and consultation with care and respect.


Our program is divided into two main areas:




  • Risk Management: focuses on various levels of risk; child, caregiver, and environment. Participants will be taught how to mitigate these risks with the over-arching goal to increase safety by preventing situations that may lead to crises.
  • Relationship Management: recognizing that most crises occur as a result of the quality of relationships with others. Our program teaches seven principles of Relationship Management with associated strategies and techniques. These principles help create and sustain nurturing and supportive relationships with individuals. They can also be used, in the moment, to de-escalate potentially violent situations.
  • Behaviour Management: This section focuses on Functions of Behaviour, or why individuals do what they do.  Participants will work through a series of questions that will assist them in understanding behaviour. Participants will be able to identify triggers and early warning signs of escalation. The final aspect of this section will teach the importance of establishing thorough and concrete behavioural plans, including strategies and interventions to prevent and manage at-risk behaviour.



  • Aggression Management: This section of the program describes how to assess the development of an aggressive situation in terms of four phases and how to incorporate these findings into an understandable “escalation continuum” for both individual behaviour and the caregiver response. How to integrate effective care plans into a concrete escalation continuum is also addressed. This section recognizes that not all individuals escalate in the same manner and that responses must be tailored appropriately. The importance of and the elements of effective communication within the family are strongly emphasized.
  • Physical Intervention Concepts: This section teaches participants about Safe Management Group’s approach regarding physical interventions. Bio-mechanical technology is integrated to ensure safe, effective, least intrusive physical interventions, with no pain, pressure points, or hyperextensions.
  • Physical Intervention Techniques: This section teaches participants basic movement, blocks and release techniques. Self-protection skills are designed with safety in mind for the person in need of support, while also recognizing the need for caregivers to be effectively protected from harm.  Parents can access SMG’s physical self-protection skills as part of the overall course if desired or may simply complete the theoretical “preventative” aspects of the course.  Parents who are in need of physical containment skills for use in a home-based setting can only access this level of training when coupled with Behaviour Therapy supports and oversight.  Please contact Safe Management Group for information on our behavioural supports.

Please tell us more about your needs and we’ll contact you shortly.

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