B-Trak Training

http://youtu.be/Hl3SBdG25lg “Safe Management Group’s unique Day One Training Programs are now available for full accreditation online.” Recognized by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, our humanistic approach to safe […]

“When training wrist grab releases, have staff close their eyes and try to determine the location of the weak point by feel only.  When they’re ready, have staff “Tuck, Turn […]

Always have a lot of extra pens when training.  It’s a given that some people will forget to bring one. Dawn Kidder

Trauma Informed Care What is Trauma Informed Care? Trauma informed care, developed by Dr. Robert Anda and Dr. Vincent Felitti, is a form of holistic healthcare. Trauma informed care is […]

Psychological First Aid for Frontline Health Care Providers During COVID-19 This is the workbook you want to read if you are feeling overwhelmed, tired and in need of some humour. […]

The definitive guide to new employee orientation

5 tips on setting realistic training objectives

Skills gap analysis template: How to identify and cover training needs

Employee wellbeing: Boost workplace happiness with training

When training Protective Positioning and Movement, set-up the participants so that they all face the same direction with the same foot forward.  That way, when the class pivots or shuffles, […]