The unique and comprehensive Safe Management Group (SMG) Program emphasizes the need to respect your client’s well being and safety while simultaneously ensuring your staff and others are not placed in dangerous situations.
SMG Wants To Make Your Environment Safer… For You Staff, For Your Clients
Approved by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, the Safe Management Group (SMG) Program is a result of extensive collaboration between psychologists, behaviour therapists and internationally recognized physical intervention specialists. The SMG Program is used in many Health Care departments, including Emergency, Mental Health, Acquired Brain Injury and Long Term Care. Our team trains staff in Risk Management, Behavioural Profiling, Relationship Management, Environmental Assessments, Managing Physical Aggression and Protective Positioning. From basic half-day training to more intensive 2-day programs, SMG’s consultants enable participants to learn those skills most appropriate to their everyday duties. We also provide Individual Specialized
Consultations directly to facilities to help deal with any more challenging clients or situations.
Your environment could always be safer
In a recent study at a leading GTA Health Care Facility, SMG’s training program for the management and prevention of aggressive behaviours was rated almost twice as high as our competitor (87% versus 44%). And since 1991, more than 90% of trained clients rank the helpfulness and value of the program as “very good to excellent.”